Carol H Tucker
 Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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day 37 - frustration [redux]

Today is the 2nd day of the 6th week, the 6th day of the 2nd month, and the 37th day of 2023
Today, I continue the tale of frustration that I started 13 days ago.
When we left the tale, after five weeks of back and forth with online support, the doctor’s office, and the pharmacist, the pharmacy had supposedly placed an order for the reader and informed me it was out of stock. In a subsequent update two days ago, I mentioned I had ordered the reader online, and that it supposed to arrive that day. It arrived late that evening, and I left it charging up overnight.
So, yesterday I open the box and delve into how to set it up. The reader appeared to work much like the old one, so that didn’t take very long, and I attached a new sensor to myself and scanned it in since it takes an hour after being “activated” for a sensor to access and accumulate data. While it was updating, I noticed that not only did I have a quick start manual for the reader but also for the iPhone app. Great! That took a bit longer to set up, because I had to create an account, and jump thru some hoops, but I got it done.
Then the directions explain how to use your phone to scan the sensor and tell me I have to activate it. OK, I guess the app needs to activate. I scan it – it doesn’t work the first couple of times but eventually I get the knack of how to position the phone. It scans. And I get an error message.
“This sensor has already been activated with another device. Please attach inactivated sensor”
Wait, what?
I scan it again. Same message. Back to online support and the rep seems confused. Well of course I cannot use a sensor with the app and a reader. But I was told I needed a reader to activate the sensor. No, you use the app for that. I repeat that back, adding I was told I needed a reader to activate the sensors. No, only if you want to use the reader to track. No the data from the reader cannot be shared with the app. Is there anything else we can help you with today?
In other words – I didn’t need a reader. The bean-counters at the insurance company were right.
AND those sensors are designed to adhere tightly to you for 14 days, after which if they don’t fall off, they come off very easily. I can’t get this one off and using the app that my doc can access will have to wait.

All that time and energy and cost....
