Carol H Tucker
 Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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beladona Memorial
 Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...
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day 45

Today is the 4th day of the 7th week, the 15th day of the 2nd month, the 45th day of 2023 [with 312 shopping days until Christmas], and:
- Angelman Sydrome - one of those "awareness" days that don't seem to have any particular tie to the date they are celebrated
- Annoy Squidward Day - I think the fact that I read this and immediately knew it had to do with SpongeBob Squarepants proves that I have grandchildren of a certain age
- National Friendzone Day - for all the folks that found out they weren't in a romantic replationship?
- National Gumdrop Day
- National Hippo Day
- National I Want Butterscotch Day
- Parinirvana Day - the day the Buddha is said to have acheived complete nirvana with the death of his physical body
- Remember the Maine Day - on this day in 1898, the USS Maine, which had been stationed in the Havanna harbor to protect American interests in Cuba, blew up. Popular opinion blamed Spain, and The US Naval Court of Inquirty placed the blame on a collision with an underwater mine. Altho this precipitated the Spanish-American War, it is by no mean certain why the battleship's forward gunpowder magazines exploded.
- Singles Awareness Day - maybe it's just me, but after having romance, roses, chocolates, and Valentine's Day shoved in one's face for the past week or so, I think most singles are quite hyper-aware of their status at this point
- St Skeletor Day - another anti-Valentine's Day holiday, this one created in 1988 as "a day for all the lost souls who don't have anyone to love"
- Susan B Anthony Day - she was born this day in 1820
- the earliest day the federal holiday of President's Day [always on the third Monday] can fall, while the 21st is the latest day
Quote of the day: "What you know today can affect what you do tomorrow. But what you know today cannot affect what you did yesterday" ~ Condoleezza Rice, American diplomat and political scientist
I made a major mistake before sitting down to write today's blog post - I started scrolling thru my Twitter feed. Between the ads, bad news, political commentary, uninvited right-wing commentary, and Elon Musk littering the feed with a constant barrage of tweets, my font of creativity [which is never terribly robust] has dried up completely.

Nevertheless, I've managed to end on a positive note, so please feel free to pat me on the back....
