Carol H Tucker
 Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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beladona Memorial
 Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...
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Day 35 - the Snow Moon

Today is the 7th day of the 5th week, the 4th day of the 2nd month, the 35th day of 2023, and
- Barber Day
- Facebook's Birthday - i wonder why Zuck isn't making a bigger deal of this? Back in 2004, he launched TheFaceBook from his Harvard dorm room.
- I Heart Horror Day - I don't.
- International Day of Human Franternity
- Liberace Day - this flamboyant performer also played the piano, and died on this day in 1987 at the age of 68.
- Medjoola Date Day - no it isn't a hookup before Valentine's Day, it is a large sweet fruit
- National Create a Vacuum Day
- National Hemp Day
- National Homemade Soup Day
- National Ice Cream for Breakfast day - i had a bagel
- National Play Outside Day - i had to walk to the office to get a package? Does that count?
- National Quacker Day - nope, nothing to do with ducks, but with women's clothing
- National Stuffed Mushroom Day
- National Thank a Mailman Day
- Rosa Parks Day
- Take Your Child to the Library Day
- Torture Abolition Day
- USO Day
- World Cancer Day - Cancer exacts a terrible toll. My grandmothers both died of colon cancer. My father was a lifetime smoker and died of lung cancer. My daughter had breast cancer and the treatments have disabled her. My son is underting chemo for stage 4C colon cancer.
- World Play Your Ukulele Day
The full moon actually issn't until tomorrow at 1PM EST, but it sure looks full enough tonight! it's also known as the Hunger Moon, and both names are self-explanatory in the throes of winter.
Quote of the day: "My life is but an instant, an hour that passes by." ~ St. Therese of Lisieux
An old boyfriend from high school that i have kept in touch with now and then over the years recently told me that he has written his obituary - not a euology, just an obit. i told him he couldn't make a statement like that and not send it to me, so he did. It is very matter-of-fact, listing his parents, siblings, wife, high school and college, and thirty years of work with the government. There is a nice quote from Shakespeare about death, and that's it. He didn't have any messages for the future. I'm not sure how to comment on it. I'm not sure how if I would be trying to send a message to those that follow either - do I have any words of wisdom or wit to share at the end! A lot of people must do it, tho, because there are all kinds of resources available online. I just had never thought of it before, altho I had wondered now and then what they'll say about me

Abruptly changing the subject....
Eleven days ago, I wrote about the sagao of trying to get a Libre2 Reader for the sensors I have. This evening, at 6:45PM, I'm happy to report I now have a reader and it is charging up. Oh I didn't get it from the pharmacy - that prescription is still "pending". Instead I dug about online and ended up in a place called The Diabetic Warehouse and ordering it There were a couple other places that carried them for better prices, but they required a prescription; this place did not. And no, I haven't cancelled the order at the pharmacy because I am genuinely curious to see if it ever even comes in - I have my doubts it was even ordered.
