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Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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who are you really?

Today is the 6th day of the 12th week, the 22nd day of the 3rd month, the 81st day of 2019, and: 
  • As Young As You Feel Day
  • International Day of The Seal
  • National Bavarian Crepes Day
  • National Goof-off Day
  • National Sing Out Day
  • Talk Like William Shatner Day – he is 88 today
  • Tuskegee Airmen Day
  • World Day of Metta
  • World Water Day
Quote of the day:
"In spite of the ways in which technology can lure us into delusion, paying close attention to the mental and physical sensations that arise when using social media can be an effective way to avoid becoming either overly attached or defensive regarding one’s virtual self.”
~  Chris Towery, “Social Media Dharma

Fact of the matter is, you do get all wrapped up in your 2nd life and it can seem very real to you. 

First of all, time warps.  Things are intensified and seem to work at an accelerated pace online, especially when in world – we used to say as a rule of thumb that three months chronological time was equivalent to a year in world time so to have a presence somewhere for a decade makes one an elder, and to maintain a relationship for that long is almost astounding.  I’ve often speculated as to why that is and have yet to come up with any reasonable or logical answer.

Second of all, thinking and emotions seem somehow raw and unfiltered.   You can see that in social media where folks say things that I very much doubt they would dream of uttering if they were standing in front of you.   While many pundits point to the anonymity of the internet, I think it has more to do with not being tied to the roles you fill in real life.  In real life, you are always filling a role – daughter/son, sibling, student, parent, spouse, worker, church member – and there are always expectations that are attached to each role that we are programmed culturally to meet.   But when we are online?  Those roles don’t matter anymore – it is just ourselves, raw and unfiltered.  Sometimes that lack of a social filter results in ugliness we hide inside spewing out. 


Sometimes it takes some time to accept what you hear yourself saying and decide if that is who you want to be…..
Permalink | Friday, March 22, 2019