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Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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the last Thursday this month

Today is the 5th day of the 17th week, the 27th day of the 4th month, the 117th day of 2017, and: 
  • Babe Ruth Day -- in 1947 it was held at Yankee Stadium to honor the ailing baseball star
  • Denim Day
  • Independence Day:  Togo from France in 1960; Sierra Leone from United Kingdom in 1961
  • International Girls in Information and Telecommunication Technologies Day
  • Matanzas Mule Day
  • Morse Code Day
  • National Prime Rib Day
  • National Tell a Story Day
  • Pay it Forward Day
  • Poem in Your Pocket Day
  • Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
  • Thank You Thursday
ON THIS DAY:  In 33 BC Lucius Marcius Philippus, step-brother to the future emperor Augustus, celebrated a triumph for his victories while serving as governor in one of the provinces of Hispania.  In 1667 John Milton, blind and impoverished, sold the copyright of Paradise Lost for £10 to publisher Samuel Simmons.  In 1865 the New York State Senate created Cornell University as the state's land grant institution.  In 1967 Expo 67 officially opened in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with a large opening ceremony broadcast around the world [there hasn't been a World's Fair in North America since 1986 in Vancouver but the last one was in Milan Italy in 2015].  In 1981 Xerox PARC introduced the computer mouse.  In 1972 Apollo 16 returned to Earth after a manned voyage to the moon. 

Do you dream?  

Okay maybe that isn’t the right question as studies show that we all dream and if we don’t there are serious psychological repercussions from dream deprivation   Interestingly, the fact that most of us come clawing out of sleep with the ringing of the alarm clock is one of the things cited for causing a sleep deficit – but I don’t know any boss that will let you stroll into work when you wake up naturally, do you? 


No I guess what I was wondering about is whether or not you remember your dreams after you wake up.  There are all kinds of tips to do this, but I have tried them all and I only remember shreds of images that quickly fade away as the day takes ahold of my mind.  All that I am left with is the vague impression of water and doing stuff, most of the time with folks that I don’t know in RL although I know them in the dream [sometimes intimately].  Also there is always music – yup my dream life has a very active soundtrack that varies according to the story line.  Since there usually seems to be an actual story, I am very curious about what has been called lucid dreaming  in which you not only remember what you dreamt but  you are aware you are dreaming when you are doing it.  The only times I knew I was dreaming while in a dream I was struggling unsuccessfully  to wake up from a nightmare – I remember those times vividly.  One thing that I have never ever done in my dreams is fly, even though that is a type of lucid dream that is apparently quite common.   Somewhere in my younger years, I started to, and dreamt that I was grounded.   A vague mysterious mystical figure [later named by the Ouija board as Kyo] told me that he would make a deal with me – he showed me a door in my head that was slightly ajar, with a very lurid light and a  loud cacophony  pouring out of it, told me that what was there could harm me, and offered to stand guard there if I gave up flying in my dreams.  I agreed, and I have never flown again.  I had another chance to fly years later, and as soon as I lifted, Kyo was there, asking if I wanted to renegotiate – but after one look at that door, I stayed earthbound.   I have, incidentally, tried to just summon Kyo and chat with him as I got older to no avail – apparently that choice was irrevocable  

Stephen King once said that he got all of his ideas for stories from his dreams.  As much as I want to be a writer, and as curious as I am about the stories I watch or live each night, I don't think I would want his dreams.....
Permalink | Thursday, April 27, 2017