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Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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the days of our lives

Today is the 2nd day of the 39th week, the 25th day of the 9th month, the 268th day of 2017 [with only 90 shopping days until Christmas], and: 
  • Family Day
  • International Ataxia Awareness Day
  • Math Storytelling Day
  • National Comic Book Day
  • National Cooking Day
  • National Crab Meat Newburg Day
  • National Food Service Employee Day
  • National Lobster Day
  • National One-Hit Wonder Day
  • National Psychotherapy Day
  • National Research Administrator Day
  • National Tune-Up Day
  • World Dream Day
  • World Pharmacist Day

275 – In Rome (after the assassination of Aurelian), the Senate proclaims Marcus Claudius Tacitus Emperor.

762 – Led by Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, the Hasanid branch of the Alids begins the Alid Revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate.

1513 – Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches what would become known as the Pacific Ocean by crossing the Isthmus of Panama.

1690 – Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper to appear in the Americas, is published for the first and only time.

1789 – The United States Congress passes twelve amendments to the United States Constitution: The Congressional Apportionment Amendment (which was never ratified), the Congressional Compensation Amendment, and the ten that are known as the Bill of Rights.

1790 – Peking opera is born when the Four Great Anhui Troupes introduce Anhui opera to Beijing in honor of the Qianlong Emperor's eightieth birthday.

1906 – Leonardo Torres y Quevedo demonstrates the Telekino, guiding a boat from the shore, in what is considered to be the first use of a remote control.

1929 – Jimmy Doolittle performs the first blind flight from Mitchel Field proving that full instrument flying from take off to landing is possible.

1956 – TAT-1, the first submarine transatlantic telephone cable system, is inaugurated.

1992 – NASA launches the Mars Observer, a $511 million probe to Mars, in the first U.S. mission to the planet in 17 years. Eleven months later, the probe would fail.

2017 - NASA Voyager is 19 hrs 24 mins 31 secs of light-travel time from Earth


Who do you think of when you use the phrase “the older generation”?  

If you are like me, the first thing that comes to mind are our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles – and any of their contemporary cousins etc that we know about.   Oh there is a moment of disorientation when your grandparents and their cronies fade away, or when you look at your grandchildren and remember how OLD your grandmother looked to you when you were their age, but I doubt that you give it much thought.   When your parents go, that gives you pause.   Not only are you an orphan now, not only have you lost the two people you have literally known all your life, but somehow there is the first stirring of the thought that you are next in line.  That incipient thought strengthens as your parents’ generation ends their life journeys – your cousins, your friends, your associates start to find themselves standing as the “older generation” now.  
Somehow I am not prepared for this.   I rather thought that when I reached this point, I would be ….  wiser, more settled, more experienced with a richer tapestry behind me -- in short, I would be a true wise woman, ready to take my respected place in society.  Well that isn’t happening!  I don’t think of myself as “old”, never did get the hang of acting my age and quite frankly?  At times I am *coughs* hot to trot as the saying goes and more than a little annoyed that men my age are all going for gals 15 years younger while the 15 year younger guys are rather uninterested in my person.  I am still working for a living.  Experience?  kinda a relative term -- my internal and 2nd lives are richer and more varied than my 1st life, and I have a wealth of interpersonal interactions, but I haven’t done a lot of travel, of seeing and doing things.  . And yet, I am 67 and today I realize the generation of my family before me is all but gone, leaving me and my six cousins facing the future and the past in a society that seems to treasure its older folks less and less.


*whispers* but as far as I am concerned, “old” is still 15 years older than me….
Permalink | Monday, September 25, 2017