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Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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pay your share

Today is the 1st day of the 40th week ((only 12 weeks left until the end of the year?  How’d that happen?)), the 2nd day of the 10th month, the 276th day of 2016 [with only 83 shopping days until Christmas], and:
  • Change a Light Day
  • Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day
  • Guardian Angel Day
  • Intergeneration Day
  • International African Diaspora Day
  • International Blessings of The Fishing Fleet Day
  • International Day of Non-Violence
  • Islamic New Year
  • National Custodial Worker Day
  • National Fried Scallops Day
  • National Name Your Car Day
  • National Research Maniacs Food Day
  • Phileas Fogg's Wager Day
  • Rosh Hashanah
  • World Communion Sunday
  • World Day for Farmed Animals
  • World No Alcohol Day
 On this day in 829 Theophilos succeeded his father Michael II as Byzantine Emperor.  In 1528 William Tyndale, English Reformer and Bible translator, published The Obedience of a Christian Man.  In 1535 Jacques Cartier discovered the area where Montreal is now located.  In 1789 George Washington sends proposed Constitutional amendments (The US Bill of Rights) to the States for ratification.  In 1925 John Logie Baird performed the first test of a working television system.  In 2016 NASA Voyager is 18 hrs 56 mins 12 secs of light-travel time from Earth (2016:276:120000:1L) and NSF Voyager II is 15 hrs 33 mins 23 secs of light-travel time from Earth (2016:276:000000:2L) – no word on any machine planets yet….

My second political post has to do with taxes and tax returns.   No I am not surprised by the NY Times revelations and yes I figured that is exactly the reason why Donald Trump did not want his tax returns released.  And no, Trump did not do anything untoward, immoral, or unethical.  You see, working in lending and collecting the personal financial information of borrowers and guarantors means that I have seen a LOT of tax returns over the past thirty years or so.   And I can tell you that anyone who makes enough money to afford super-duper tax accountants and lawyers do not pay anywhere near the amount of taxes that “average” people pay.  No matter how you figure it out, by dollar amount or by percentage, those who can afford to take advantage of the myriad of loopholes pay less annually in federal, state and local income taxes than most of us.  I have gone through various stages of disbelief and rage as I look at these returns and compare then to the financial statements, realizing that someone who makes as much in a day as I might see in a year and has a lifestyle I can only dream of pays less in personal income taxes than I do. 

And this is why I have been advocating implementing a flat tax across the board – no loopholes, no deductions.  Anyone making over $25K individually or $50K as a family pays 15% of their income [any money coming in whether from wages, investments, inheritance, whatever] to the Federal government and another 10% to the state [and no more “local” add-ons].  I think devoting a quarter of our income to keep the infrastructure humming is worth it, neh?  And while we are meddling with the tax codes and eliminating deductions?  Remove the cap on FICA taxes that enable the wealthy to stop paying into Social Security and Medicare. 

Everyone pays their share and carries their weight and the controversies like this one are eliminated.  There is a downside, of course -- the plethora of accountants and lawyers this puts out of business….    

Permalink | Sunday, October 2, 2016