Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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beladona Memorial
Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...
So it has been 98 days since I updated this blog.- 26.89% of a year.
There have been birthdays – my son-in-law, my son, both of my granddaughters, and I turned 72.
I have had my car for over a year now.
Triscuit has been with me for five months now, but I still miss Panda, who has been gone almost six months.
My daughter is still dealing with the ravaged battlefield of her successful fight against cancer and is all but an invalid after five years. Her daughters were too young when she was diagnosed with stage 3C breast cancer and will never remember the vital, vibrant woman she was. Her husband is suffering from long COVID from the bout he had in the early spring. The girls have had a couple bouts, but were able to start school yesterday. I still do not approve of starting school before Labor Day, not that anyone is asking me.
My son completed his chemo and radiation treatments for colon cancer. It was a difficult time for him and yet he managed to work almost his regular schedule at the Nashville health clinic. Yesterday, a cat scan showed spots on his lung, whether from the spread from his lymph nodes or another kind of cancer, we will have to see. The entire family is reeling from this news. They are going to do a biopsy and we are praying it isn’t cancer even tho the doctor thinks it is. The VA caused this problem – Tom asked and asked for a colonoscopy because we have a family history of colon cancer and the VA doctors kept turning him down until last year. If he had his screening earlier, they would’ve caught it before it metastasized.
I wanted to move. I planned to move when my lease was up in September. But rents are thru the roof right now and they offered to freeze mine for a year. So despite the many issues, here I am.
I am recuperating from a severe allergic reaction to the Ozempic I started taking the end of March. We finally figured out what was causing the ugly, itchy, festering rash on my arms, chest, and back at the beginning of August. Took some pretty high doses of Prednisone for five days, as well as two weeks of oatmeal bath soaks, to get on the way to healing the rash, but there are still a couple of lingering spots. I was also diagnosed with inflammation of the lungs as a result of that allergic reaction, and am on a steroid inhaler to try and help with breathing as well as the fatigue. I get so short-winded when I try to do anything, and I cough a lot – especially if I talk too much or try to sing. I had to go to for a chest x-ray last Friday and we are waiting for the results of that