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Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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I remember....

Today may have been Grandmom Hughes’ birthday.   I’m not quite sure when you come right down to it.  I know that my daughter was born on the 27th and that my cousin’s oldest daughter was either born two days earlier or two days later and Grandmom always joked that neither one of us got it right, missing her birthday by only a day.  I’m not quite sure what year she was born in either – unlike my mother’s mother whose age I always knew because she was 23 when she had my mother and my mother was 23 when she had me.  I think she was a couple of years younger than my maternal grandmother, but I’m not sure by how much.


But I remember Grandmom.  I remember sitting in her living room after finishing in the kitchen, cleaning up from the big dinner, the menfolk yelling at the TV sport of the season and smoking, just talking until the talk would fade away and we would all start singing.  I remember the taste of those rolls – she gave me the recipe and I used to bake a lot of bread, but I never managed to make those dinner rolls like she did.  I remember the smell of the boxwoods when getting out of the car to go into her house.  I remember that we always went in and out of the back door because she was probably in the kitchen and who used the front door anyway?   I remember that she took the name off Grandpop’s boat before she sold it and then was sorry she did because the buyer never renamed the Nim Nell, although he joked once that if he ever did, it would be “Captain Harry’s Old Boat” because that was what folks would say to him out on the water.   I remember that she taught me about unconditional love even while telling me off when she didn’t like my behavior.  I remember that everyone like visiting her for family dinners because after we ate, you could go for a walk or watch TV or sit and read or go down the basement and play pool or play outside or do anything you wanted.   I remember getting exasperated because she talked so often about who would get what when she died only to appreciate how clearly she left her feelings and desires be known because not one of the three children or six grandchildren had a single dispute about the settlement of her estate.    I remember arguing with her hotly about politics, about religion, about just about anything that could be argued about, then veering off to talk about something else.  I remember playing pinochle and 500 rummy.  I remember that Thanksgiving was your holiday when we all tried to gather.




But most of all?  I still sing the old songs, Grandmom, and I have taught them to my granddaughters. 


I remember you.


And I always will. 

Permalink | Monday, October 28, 2019