Carol H Tucker
 Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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happy birthday, Mickey - I think

Today is the 18th day of the 11th month, the 6th day of the 46th week, the 322nd of 2022, and it is the 94th birthday of Micky Mouse. I haven’t always been a Disney fan. Growing up, Disney consisted of some toys, altho I don’t remember having any, movies that seemed to come out every two years, and the Mickey Mouse Club on TV. I was taken to all the animated movies, altho I don’t actually remember going. [Side note: back then you didn’t go at any particular time. We usually went to the local theater in Aero Acres, and simply walked in whenever we wanted to as the show was playing. Most of the time you were around the middle, and you would watch to the end, then see the short, and watch the beginning, getting up and leaving when the movie reached the point at which you walked in. If you wanted to, you could camp out in the theater for a couple of hours on a hot day since there was A/C, watching the movie over again.] I do remember having the Disney movie 33 1/3 albums of the soundtracks for all the classic films with a book that outlined the story. Then Disney started doing live-action films. I remember seeing The Happiest Millionaire, The Absent Minded Professor, The Parent Trap, and I actually enjoyed Mary Poppins - I’m sure there were others that I was dragged to. By then I was in my teens and calling something “mickey mouse” was an insult that implied being cheesy – but I still went to see Bambi when it was re-released and cried like a baby.. When my kids were little, I took them to see the animated movies as they were re-released, but Mickey was not part of our lives. Then came the Eisner era, and I fell in love with the magi after my first trip to WDW in 1986. I can still remember the moment when it washed over me – the clouds rolled back and revealed the Dreamfinder and Figment singing during the Journey of Imagination dark ride. The Lion King, The little Mermaid, Toy Story, Cars, Aladdin - the hits just kept rolling out. We went back to the park again and again, and I even took a Disney cruise. My bedroom is decorated ala Mickey, I have an entire wardrobe of Disney clothing [including several pairs of shoes], and we couldn’t wait to introduce my granddaughters to the pixie dust. They too have outfits, and lots of toys… Then COVID hit. The parks closed. Disney+ started up and that gave us all our fix, but the movies rolling out were live-action remakes of the animated films. When the parks re-opened, the bad news started. The Imagineers were summarily dismissed. Benefits were cut for those staying on-site. Prices skyrocketed. And more and more there were complaints about quality. Even the depiction characters were downgraded
 Right now, I am not feeling the pixie dust. I am worried that Disney’s C-suite is more focused on maintaining Wall ST’s approbation, and their own out-sized salaries, than preserving the brand. And for the first time in decades, I do not have actual plans to return to WDW
