Carol H Tucker
 Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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beladona Memorial
 Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...
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Day 30

Today is the 2nd day of the 5th week, the 30th day of the 1st month, the 30th day of 2023, and - Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day – unfortunately the ability to play this online has been permanently disabled as the Adobe Flash Player is no longer support.
- National Croissant Day
- National Escape Day
- National Inane Answering Machine Message Day – now here is a holiday that will date you very quickly! Remember the old answering machines? You could buy a tape and have the likes of John Wayne or Boris Karloff answering your phone if you didn’t pick up. I guess you could still rig it up to work like that
- School Day of Non-violence and Peace
- Yodel for Your Neighbors Day
So, let’s talk about yesterday’s post or non-post.
There are a couple of limitations of this particular platform that make me fretful at times. There is a word limit to the amount of verbiage I can hit you with in one blog post. Granted 6500 characters is a lot of words [spaces count tho as does embedded links], and usually I can edit myself to the point of being able to express myself. In some ways, being under such a constraint tightens my prose and makes me pare down superfluous explanations or literary flourishes. On the flip side, when I use this blog as a journal, such editing is not always possible without changing the entire tone of the post. The second issue is that in order to embed a picture, that picture has to be readily available online already – I cannot upload a snapshot or share one that I posted in Facebook or Twitter.
Eventually I will get motivated enough to move this blog lock stock and barrel elsewhere – but for now, there will just be times when I give up and walk away leaving whatever it was that I felt so strongly about dissipate unread by anyone but me.
 (( By the way, thank you for reading my babbling here ))
