Carol H Tucker
 Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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Day 3 - well how about that

Today is the 3rd day of the 1st week, the 3rd day of the 1st month, and the 3rd day of 2023, and it is the first regular work day. I had opened a ticket during the polar vortex when the building’s heat faltered. Today maintenance finally showed up – a new gentleman named Calvin who went back and looked at the bedroom HVAC unit, which hasn’t worked in a couple of years now. I gave him the history. It worked fine, then one very hot day about three years ago, it quit. The A/C was still blowing but it was cool, not cold. The maintenance men did everything – bled the unit, played with settings, even gave me a portable A/C unit. Then their supervisor declared it was good enough and took the portable unit away, and ignored subsequent complaints. Last March, they decided the unit needed to be replaced because the heat wasn’t really working. The guys who installed it agreed with me that the issue was in the pipes, not the unit, but did their thing and left. All last summer, maintenance would come and try to bleed it, but it never worked very well. This guy came in, found that the valve was improperly set, checked the connection and started to explain the risers to me. I confirmed I understood this unit was on a different riser and related the history of what had been tried, and when I made the statement that I kept telling everyone there was a clogged pipe, he nodded and said that was what he was saying too!  Now fixing it is a bit of an issue because they have to shut down the entire system to flush out the pipes for the entire riser. Fortunately, I like my bedroom to be on the cool side, so there isn’t a real issue with the heating, so we can wait. When they shut down the entire system to make the shift from heat to A/C in the late spring, he asked me to remind him so that they will definitely clean out the pipes and finally resolve the issue. Keep your fingers crossed!
