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Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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being presidential

Today is the 6th day of the 31st week, the 4th day of the 8th month, the 216th day of 2017 [with only 142 shopping days until Christmas], and: 
  • Braham or Homemade Pie Day – check out the self-proclaimed pie capital of Minnesota
  • Hooray for Kids Day
  • International Beer Day
  • National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
  • National White Wine Day
  • Single Working Woman's Day
  • Social Security Day
  • Tomboy Tools Day
  • Twins Day [start of the weekend]
  • US Coast Guard Day --  in 1790 a newly passed tariff act created the Revenue Cutter Service (the forerunner of the United States Coast Guard).
In 1987 The Federal Communications Commission voted to rescind the Fairness Doctrine, which required radio and TV stations to present balanced coverage of controversial issues  The fact that today marks the end of media’s legal obligation for objective reporting got me to pondering.  Certainly it appears that as news services no longer have to present a balanced picture, polarization on the issue of the President has increased, neh?  While I am still struggling with not being alarmed by the daily news, I have been thinking a lot about the fact we have been vilifying our presidents pretty harshly in social media, which made me think about how I personally regarded our presidents in my lifetime:


Harry S Truman  1945 – 1953:  I was a baby and didn’t care one way or another

Dwight Eisenhower  1953–1961: I was a kid and still didn’t care much, but the overall impression I had of him in retrospect was that he was blanc

John F. Kennedy  1961–1963:  young, charismatic, dynamic and came to a tragic end.  I was still not very politically sensitive yet

Lyndon Johnson  1963–1969:  I was very political at this time.  I demonstrated against our involvement in Vietnam and abused him with great regularity.  Then I sat down and cried when he announced that he did not want to be a divisive force and would not run for office again, feeling that I personally had caused this man to give up.  In retrospect, he was sneaky and overbearing and the last of the wheeler-dealers, but he got things done and for that he should be respected

Richard Nixon  1969–1974:  I disliked this man intensely and felt he was as crooked as the day is long.  Refused to vote for him but couldn’t support McGovern either so wasted my first presidential election vote on Mickey Mouse.

Gerald Ford  1974–1977:  nice guy but a bit of a bumbler

Jimmy Carter  1977–1981:  I voted for him for two reasons – he was a nice man and he was a successful business man and I thought we needed both in the White House.  In retrospect he was probably one of the most ineffectual presidents every elected.  Makes a simply awesome ex-President though!

Ronald Reagan  1981–1989:  not a bad actor and seemed like a fairly good person, but I voted against him both times as I was not impressed that he was Governor of California and I still think “trickledown economics” is totally ridiculous idea.  As the years have passed, I have developed an actual dislike for his role -- I am convinced that he was simply a stooge for a group of powerful rich old men and they intentionally decimated the Middle Class.

George H. W. Bush  1989–1993:  I honestly don’t remember much about him.  Voted against him

William J. Clinton  1993–2001:  showed a lot of promise but ended up acting like a complete fool and I didn’t like the First Lady either, just for the record.  Only voted for him the second time because I couldn’t stomach the alternative.

George W. Bush  2001–2009:  I have no idea how someone that dumb got elected but then again, I am not a rocket scientist either.  Not a bad person, but another shill for that group of powerful rich old men.  Voted against him both times.

Barack Obama  2009–2017:  voted for him both times but we’ll never know what kind of President he would’ve made because the GOP saw to it that very little could be done.  He had some really good ideas and I cannot acquit most of his opponents from reacting to him because he is black. 

Donald J. Trump  2017–present:  a totally unqualified reality show host more interested in himself than the country who was supported by that group of old rich white men and  got elected by appealing to the folks who felt left behind.  Has it really only been seven months?


I hadn’t thought much about it, but I have tended to think more highly of the Democratic Presidents than the Republicans on the whole.  Perhaps my growing conviction since Reagan that there is a coterie of rich old white men who are determined to stay in power and be damned to the rest of us has colored my perception of the GOP as a whole   Perhaps my concerns about income inequity and the demise of the Middle Class, as well as how unprepared we are for the new realities as we move past the Industrial Revolution have intensified the loathing I feel for Calvinists and Libertarians, both of whom seem to have made the GOP their home.  But perhaps, just perhaps, my viewpoint – and maybe all of our perception -- is colored by the fact I no longer automatically hear both sides of the story, neh?  The FCC did us no favor 30 years ago

Permalink | Friday, August 4, 2017