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Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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another Monday

Today is the 2nd day of the 47th week, the 21st day of the 11th month, the 326th day of 2016 [with 33 shopping days until Christmas], and: 
  • Alascattalo Day  (about Alaska & humor)
  • False Confession Day
  • National Gingerbread Day
  • National Stuffing Day
  • No Music Day – celebrating a lack of noise pollution the day before St Cecilia's [the patron saint of music] feast day
  • Pumpkin Pie Day
  • World Hello Day
  • World Television Day
ON THIS DAY:  In 164 BC Judas Maccabeus restored the Temple in Jerusalem -- as commemorated each year by the festival of Hanukkah [this year the Festival of Light is 12.24- 01.01].  In 1009 Lý Công Uẩn was enthroned as emperor of Đại CồViệt, founding the Lý dynasty.  In 1877 Thomas Edison announced his invention of the phonograph, a machine that can record and play sound.  1905 Albert Einstein's paper, "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", was published in the journal Annalen der Physik [reveals the relationship between energy and mass, leading to the mass–energy equivalence formula, E = mc²].  In 1942 the completion of the Alaska Highway (also known as the Alcan Highway) was celebrated (however, the highway is not usable by general vehicles until 1943).  In 1953 the Natural History Museum, London announced the "Piltdown Man" skull, initially believed to be one of the most important fossilized hominid skulls ever found, is a hoax.  In 1995 the Dow Jones industrial average closed above 5,000 for the first time.  In 1998  the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, one of the most successful and influential video games of all time, was released in Japan.


Monday – what can I say that hasn’t been said before? 

We are lucky enough to get the day after Thanksgiving off, a perk that I didn’t have in my career until relatively recently.   When I was working retail, of course, no one could take Black Friday off.  In banking, that Friday was always a day when everyone with seniority or position would take leave/vacation and many times I was the designated officer on duty at different banks.  Never bothered me too much to be on site back then as Frank was often working – so why not go to work?  The only holiday Frank insisted on having off was Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and since he was senior man, he got it every year.  There was some grumbling about that, but he would point out that was the only holiday he would reserve.  The other holidays?  We had them when the schedule fell that way otherwise he worked.  See the police in Baltimore County had a rotation –  five days on, two off, five days on, three off – and your days off were always fluctuating.  Not only that, but your shifts fluctuated as well – 7– 3, 3-11, 11-7.  The best arrangement was to have the three days off after the 11-7 shift so that you could catch up on your sleep easily, but it didn’t always work out that way.  We would work out the year in advance on the calendar carefully so we could make plans – vacations especially had to be timed just right between weekends off.    Shift work was really hard on him – he never could get into a regular sleep pattern and I often wonder if that contributed to his health issues – and yet it seemed to work out better for the family than being on permanent 3-11 would’ve been.  That was the worst shift – he was sleeping when I went to work, and by the time he would get home, I would be ready to go to bed.  11-7 worked out better – he could sleep while I was working and be ready to get up around the time we got home,  and eating breakfast for dinner was a thing.  No, we didn’t miss that shift work one little bit when he retired!  But it wasn’t until after he was long gone that I started getting the day after Thanksgiving off. 

I like it!  Definitely makes Monday a bit easier....

Permalink | Monday, November 21, 2016