Carol H Tucker
 Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan
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beladona Memorial
 Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...
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and so it begins

In the past I have had three blogs -- one professional and two personal -- and one WIKI. The professional blog, named Banking on Tomorrow, was hosted for about four years by a friend who was testing out a portal he was building. The WIKI was part of Denham Gray's extensive Knowledge WIKI and had about 45 pages of links to articles and websites that dealt with banking and financial services The personal blogs were tied to my intenet provider -- and I have to admit that I don't even remember what I called them.
All of them vanished without a trace. 
Banking on Tomorrow was the victim of a server change -- both Garsett and I thought we had the blog backed up but it was completely wiped out. The WIKI evaporated when Denham's site went down, although I migrated some of the information to another WIKI platform briefly, then I abandoned it when that company crashed. The two personal blogs poofed when I changed internet providers -- again I thought I had backed them up, but unfortunately my PC died at the same time. Not even the company that I engaged to see if they could reconstruct the hard drive could piece the two blogs back together
So much was lost. The saga of "As the Bank Turns" as I chronicled the adventures of trying to work and progress in my career. The conversations about stealth KM. Explanations of the inner workings of dealings with the unholy triad of auditors, examiners and regulators. The dramatic story of two job searches -- as a knowledge nomad, my last act was to eliminate my own position having made it redundant. And on a personal level, the painful recitation of what it is like to deal with funeral homes and cemetaries when my husband died, then the long trip back from the edge of grief.
All.... gone.
And I lost the will to write. Think of it as constipation. I stayed in online communities [e.g. Howard Rheingold's BrainStorms] but slowly became inactive. I reserved http://www.bankingontomorrow.com five years ago but didn't actually do anthing with the site. I tried rather desultorily to journal at http://www.penzu.com but only two other people were able to read it. I became involved with FaceBook and started updating my status and posting links, but then social networking was blocked where I work. I started posting links to Google's BUZZ - you can click on the link at the top of the page that says "Carol's BUZZ"
http:="" profiles="" www.google.com=""> And now I have started this blog. Will I write regularly? Will I renew the website and actually do something with it? Will anyone read this? Will I explain the contradictory page title and tag line? Will the reason for the name of the blog become obvious?
We'll, see, neh?
