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bleeding heart....

Message(s) for 5/16/2018. Click here to view all messages.

Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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not depressed, and yet....

Today is the 4th day of the 20th week, the 16th day of the 5th month, the 136th day of 2018, and: 
  • Biographer's Day
  • Honor Our LGBT Elders' Day
  • International Day of Light
  • Love a Tree Day
  • National Coquilles St Jacques Day -- a dish usually consisting of scallops combined with a mixture of butter, cream, mushrooms and cheese, baked in a scallop shell
  • National Employee Health & Fitness Day
  • National Juice Slush Day
  • National Mimosa Day
  • National Piercing Day
  • National Sea Monkey Day
  • National Wear Purple for Peace Day ((well I am wearing purple today, I cannot really claim to be celebrating since I found out about this well after getting dressed))
  • Ramadan ((first full day))
  • Turn Beauty Inside Out Day – celebrated since 2000, the goal is to stop emphasizing physical beauty to the point of ignoring a person’s soul/spirit

On this day in ...

1843 – The first major wagon train heading for the Pacific Northwest sets out on the Oregon Trail with one thousand pioneers from Elm Grove, Missouri.

1866 – The United States Congress establishes the nickel.

1888 – Nikola Tesla delivers a lecture describing the equipment which will allow efficient generation and use of alternating currents to transmit electric power over long distances.

1891 – The International Electrotechnical Exhibition opens in Frankfurt, Germany, and will feature the world's first long distance transmission of high-power, three-phase electric current (the most common form today).

1918 – The Sedition Act of 1918 is passed by the U.S. Congress, making criticism of the government during wartime an imprisonable offense. It will be repealed less than two years later.

1919 – A naval Curtiss NC-4 aircraft commanded by Albert Cushing Read leaves Trepassey, Newfoundland, for Lisbon via the Azores on the first transatlantic flight.

1920 – In Rome, Pope Benedict XV canonizes Joan of Arc.

1929 – In Hollywood, the first Academy Awards ceremony takes place.

1951 – The first regularly scheduled transatlantic flights begin between Idlewild Airport (now John F Kennedy International Airport) in New York City and Heathrow Airport in London, operated by El Al Israel Airlines.

1959 – The Triton Fountain in Valletta, Malta is turned on for the first time.[1]

1960 – Theodore Maiman operates the first optical laser (a ruby laser), at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California.

1966 - The albums  "Blonde on Blonde" by Bob Dylan and "Pet Sounds" by the Beach Boys were released.

1969 – Venera 5, a Soviet space probe, lands on Venus.

1975 - Japanese climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

1988 – A report by the Surgeon General of the United States C. Everett Koop states that the addictive properties of nicotine are similar to those of heroin and cocaine.

1991 – Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom addresses a joint session of the United States Congress. She is the first British monarch to address the U.S. Congress.


In today's Gospel reflection, Bishop Robert Barron comments:

"Sadness of soul follows from the heaviness of self-regard, a sadness and weight which precludes real union with the other...."


I was struck by that phrase  “the heaviness of self-regard “, admiring not only the turn of the phrase, but the singularly apt description of the burden carried when you are insecure.    This insecurity  manifests itself in subtle ways:  The harshness of your self-talk.   The need to be liked by acquaintances and co-workers, to feel like you fit in.  The need for affirmation and approval from friends and family.  The need to be successful by standards that you don’t necessarily agree with as you accept the priorities of those around you.  Those of us who lack in confidence are toting a heavy weight around with us that we cannot put down, and yes, it tinges our souls a delicate shade of indigo that can deepen into darkness very easily and quickly.  Watching my granddaughters grow up I often think back on the childhoods of my son and daughter and then of my own, wondering when that shining joy and confidence became marred?  Was it in an instant?  Was it an accumulation of negative criticism, of stern tones of voices that projected disapproval, of a torrent of constant corrections?




Time to meditate on and strengthen my 3rd Chakra
Permalink | Wednesday, May 16, 2018