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bleeding heart....

Message(s) for 8/21/2018. Click here to view all messages.

Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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as another school year starts....

Today is the 3rd day of the 34th week, the 21st day of the 8th month, the 233rd day of 2018, and: 
  • Eid-Al-Adha, AKA the "Festival of Sacrifice", is the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two
  • Internet Self-care Day
  • National Brazillian Blowout Day – yes I had to google it and it is all about hair ((I thought it would be a raucous party))
  • National Senior Citizen Day
  • National Spumoni Day
  • Poet's Day

1583 - The Delight, with 85 persons aboard, founders on the banks of Sable Island; first Canadian shipwreck on record.

1770 – James Cook formally claims eastern Australia for Great Britain, naming it New South Wales.

1821 – Jarvis Island is discovered by the crew of the ship, Eliza Frances.

1878 - The American Bar Association was founded in Saratoga, N.Y.

1888 – The first successful adding machine in the United States is patented by William Seward Burroughs.

1897 – Oldsmobile, an American automobile manufacturer and marque, is founded.

1901 – Six hundred American school teachers, Thomasites, arrived in Manila on the USAT Thomas.

1911 – The Mona Lisa is stolen by Vincenzo Perugia, a Louvre employee.

1942 – The Disney animated classic Bambi was released

1945 – Physicist Harry Daghlian is fatally irradiated in a criticality accident during an experiment with the Demon core at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

1957 – The Soviet Union successfully conducts a long-range test flight of the R-7 Semyorka, the first intercontinental ballistic missile.

1961 – American country music singer Patsy Cline returns to record producer Owen Bradley's studio in Nashville, Tennessee to record her vocals to Willie Nelson's "Crazy", which would become her signature song.

1961 – Motown releases what would be its first #1 hit (in America), "Please Mr. Postman" by The Marvelettes.

1964 - Canadian Bette Singer dives a record-setting 307 feet into Bahaman waters.

1993 – NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft.


Quote of the day:

"Great ideals and principles do not live from generation to generation just because they are right, nor even because they have been carefully legislated. Ideas and principles continue from generation to generation only when they are built into the hearts of children as they grow up."

~ George S. Benson (1898 - 1991), missionary to China


When I was growing up, I wanted to be a teacher.  I loved school and had no problem with staying there all my life.  I went through Towson on the tuition waiver plan, fully intending to teach in middle school – but I never made it.  Ended up having to reimburse the school for my tuition.   Years afterwards when my kids were in school I tried to update my certification and was stunned at the changes in the classroom in less than a decade.  Johnny no longer could no longer be expected to read by the 7th grade and I had to take courses on how to teach reading.  History as I remembered it had changed, almost completely submerged into Social Studies.  And kids no longer were very respectful to either teachers or administrators – education was no longer considered a profession but was another service industry job. 




And so I opted not to return to the classroom when I went back to work.  Mayhap it was a problem with my motivation or dedication, but that was my choice at that time.  Others have chronicled the problems with that shift as society [at least here in the US] invests less and less in the education of educators and of the next generation, certainly the decline of the common reading levels from the early 1900’s to the present is startling dramatic, both in the amount that is read and the usage of vocabulary.  It worries me, what ideas and values are being transmitted to our young as social media and the news bluster about spewing revisionist history and alternative facts?  How will they express themselves eruditely?
Permalink | Tuesday, August 21, 2018