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bleeding heart....

Message(s) for 1/28/2020. Click here to view all messages.

Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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the last Tuesday of January

Today is the 3rd day of the 5th week, the 28th day of the 1st month, the 28th day of 2020, and: 
  • Daisy Day
  • Data Privacy Day
  • Global Community Engagement Day
  • International LEGO Day -  in 1958, the Lego company patents the design of its Lego bricks, still compatible with bricks produced today.
  • National Blueberry Pancake Day
  • National Kazoo Day
  • National Pediatrician Day
  • National Plan for Vacation Day
  • Pop Art Day
  • Rattlesnake Roundup Day
  • Rubber Ducky Day ((Sesame Street says it's today because the general belief is that this is on Ernie's birthday. So, there are 3 dates for this....))
  • Speak Up and Succeed Day
  • Thank a Plugin Developer Day

 814 – The death of Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, brings about the accession of his son Louis the Pious as ruler of the Frankish Empire

1521 – Emperor Charles V opens the Diet of Worms in Worms, Germany which lasts until May 25th. Produced the "Edict of Worms" which denounced Martin Luther

1568 – The Edict of Torda prohibited the persecution of individuals on religious ground in John Sigismund Zápolya's Eastern Hungarian Kingdom.

1573 – Articles of the Warsaw Confederation are signed, sanctioning freedom of religion in Poland.

1624 – Sir Thomas Warner founds the first British colony in the Caribbean, on the island of Saint Kitts.

1671 – Original city of Panama (founded in 1519) was destroyed by a fire when privateer Henry Morgan sacked and set fire to it. The site of the previously devastated city is still in ruins (see Panama Viejo).

1724 - The Russian Academy of Sciences founded in St. Petersburg by Peter the Great, and implemented in a Senate decree. Called St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences until 1917.

1754 – Sir Horace Walpole coins the word serendipity in a letter to a friend.

1813 – Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is published by Thomas Egerton in the United Kingdom

1855 – A locomotive on the Panama Canal Railway runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean for the first time.

1878 - George W Coy hired as the first full-time telephone operator

1887 - In a snowstorm at Fort Keogh, Montana, the world's largest snowflakes are reported, being 15 inches (38 cm) wide and 8 inches (20 cm) thick.

1896 – Walter Arnold of East Peckham, Kent, becomes the first person to be convicted of speeding. He was fined one shilling, plus costs, for speeding at 8 mph (13 km/h), thereby exceeding the contemporary speed limit of 2 mph (3.2 km/h).

1915 - US President Woodrow Wilson refuses to prohibit immigration of illiterates today we are worried that immigrants might need assistance

1917 - Municipally owned streetcars take to the streets of San Francisco, California

1932 - the first US state unemployment insurance act enacted in Wisconsin

1935 – Iceland becomes the first Western country to legalize therapeutic abortion.

1949 - NY Giants sign their first black players, Monte Irvin & Ford Smith

1951 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

1956 – Elvis Presley makes his first national television appearance.

1958 - Construction began on the first private thorium-uranium nuclear reactor

1963 - "Still" single released by Bill Anderson (Billboard no. 1 U.S. Hot Country Singles 1963)

1965 - The Who make their first appearance on British TV

1967 - Rolling Stones release "Let's Spend the Night Together"

1973 - "Barnaby Jones" premieres on CBS TV

1973 - Ron Howard appears on M*A*S*H in "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet"

1982 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

1984 - Record 295,000 dominoes toppled in Fuerth, West Germany

1985 - Charity single "We Are the World" is recorded by supergroup USA for Africa (Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie and other pop stars)

1986 – STS-51-L mission: Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board.

2014 - DNA analysis confirms that the 6th C Plague of Justinian was caused by a variant of Yersinia pestis (the same bacteria for the Black Death)

2020 - NASA Voyager is 20 hrs 36 mins 11 sec of light-travel time from Earth


Quote of the day:

Here’s our challenge: to allow our hearts and minds to be touched by gratitude without the presence of a hurricane. To appreciate life and the grace by which we wake up each day and go to sleep in safety.”

~  Gregg Krech, “Grateful for Nothing


The days flow past, sunrises and sunsets flickering across the skies.  Sometimes the hours feel long and time seems to drag, then you turn around and a month is gone in a flash – wasn’t it just the other day that we toasted a New Year in?  Time to check my privilege:  I have family, I am mostly healthy, I have a job,  I have a nice cozy place to live, I drive a car, I have comfortable clothing, I have food to eat.  We take these things too much for granted….



As time rolls by, I have to remind myself to appreciate and enjoy where I am
Permalink | Tuesday, January 28, 2020