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bleeding heart....

Message(s) for 1/13/2020. Click here to view all messages.

Carol H Tucker

Passionate about knowledge management and organizational development, expert in loan servicing, virtual world denizen and community facilitator, and a DISNEY fan

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beladona Memorial

Be warned:in this very rich environment where you can immerse yourself so completely, your emotions will become engaged -- and not everyone is cognizant of that. Among the many excellent features of SL, there is no auto-return on hearts, so be wary of where your's wanders...

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dressing for yourself or others?

Today is the 2nd day of the 3rd week, the 13th day of the 1st month, the 13th day of 2020, and: 
  • Korean American Day
  • Make Your Dream Come True Day
  • National Clean off Your Desk Day
  • National Gluten-Free Day
  • National Peach Melba Day
  • National Rubber Ducky Day
  • National Sticker Day
  • Old New Year's Eve (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska, North Macedonia), and its related observances Malanka (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus)
  • Public Radio Broadcasting Day
  • Sidereal winter solstice's eve celebrations in South and Southeast Asian cultures; the last day of the six-month Dakshinayana period
  • Stephen Foster Memorial Day


1610 - Galileo Galilei discovers Callisto, the fourth satellite of Jupiter

1695 - Jonathan Swift ordained an Anglican priest in Ireland

1785 - John Walter publishes the first issue of "The Times" of London

1863 - Chenille yarn making machine patented by William Canter in NYC

1888 – The National Geographic Society is founded in Washington, D.C.

1898 – Émile Zola's J'accuse…! exposes the Dreyfus affair.

1910 – The first public radio broadcast takes place; a live performance of the operas Cavalleria rusticana andPagliacci are sent out over the airwaves from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York.

1912 - -40°F (which is also -40°C), Oakland, Maryland (state record)

1920 - NY Times editorial reports that rockets can never fly

1928 - RCA and GE install three test television sets in homes in Schenectady, New York allowing American inventor E.F.W. Alexanderson to demonstrate the first home television receiver which delivered a poor and unsteady 1.5 square inch picture

1930 - the "Mickey Mouse" comic strip first appears

1938 - The Church of England accepts the theory of evolution

1942 – Henry Ford patents a plastic automobile, which is 30% lighter than a regular car

1942 – World War II: First use of an aircraft ejection seat by a German test pilot in a Heinkel He 280 jet fighter.

1948 - the first country music TV show, Midwestern Hayride, premieres on WLW Cin

1958 - 9,000 scientists from 43 nations petition UN for nuclear test ban

1962 - Chubby Checker's song "The Twist", credited with starting the Twist dance craze, goes to #1 in the charts two years after first reaching number one spot

1966 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

1968 – Johnny Cash performs live at Folsom State Prison.

1976 - American inventor Ray Kurzweil and the National Federation of the Blind unveil the Kurzweil Reading Machine, the first omni-font optical character recognition system

1978 - NASA selects its first American women astronauts

1988 - Supreme Court rules (5-3) public school officials have broad powers to censor school newspapers, plays & other expressive activities

1989 - "Ryan's Hope" ends 13½ year run on ABC-TV

1989 - Computers across Britain hit by "Friday the 13th"/Jerusalem virus

1993 – Endeavour heads for space for the third time as STS-54 launches from the Kennedy Space Center.

2016 - Record Powerball lottery held in America - $1.6 billion, (3 winning tickets)

2018 - Early-morning ballistic missile alert sent across Hawaii in error, revoked after 38 minutes

2018 - NASA Voyager is 20 hrs 36 mins 12 sec of light-travel time from Earth


Over the weekend, my daughter posted a picture on her Facebook feed of my oldest granddaughter, who had picked out her own outfit to wear to church.  She was wearing a light blue sleeveless summer dress with ruffles on the bottom [her favorite], a shirt pulled over the dress, leggings and stripped red and green socks.   My first reaction was that she looked like a little ragamuffin and how could my daughter let her go out the door like that?  Certainly, my daughter was always dressed nicely for church and school, indeed, at all times, but as I read the comments and reflected on things I wonder what I taught that young girl I was bringing up by dressing her all the time.  And I came to the conclusion that without realizing it, I inadvertently taught her:  [1] The need to confirm to everyone’s expectations and need to worry about looking like everyone else; [2] That looking attractive was very important at all times; and [3] to question her own choices, to ask whether or not they were good enough.  And I looked again at the way my granddaughter in the photo.  She had taken thought to being comfortable and warm, and her smile was bright, and she was standing with complete confidence.  And then I thought about not having a big argument right before leaving for church, so she was in a good frame of mind. 




And you know what?   I agree with her father’s comment on the post, “I think she looked perfect!.”  But even with that revelation, how my daughter managed not to say anything about those bright Christmas socks, I’ll never know!
Permalink | Monday, January 13, 2020